Good Friday Service: Seven Last Words of Christ from the Cross
Join us in-person and online ( as the Associate Ministers of Grace Baptist Church of Germantown expound on the Word of God. Each word will be augmented by musical selections by the Praise and Worship Team and congregational singing.
First Word: Luke 23:34
Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.
Min. Dr. Clifford Stanley, Associate Minister
Second Word: Luke 23:43
Today shalt thou be with me in paradise
Rev. Dr. Suzanne H. Kershaw, Associate Minister
Third Word: John 19: 26-27
Woman, behold thy son!
Min. Karol Mason, Associate Minister
Fourth Word: Matthew 27:46
My, God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me?
Min. Jeanine Watson, Associate Minister
Fifth Word: John19:19-28
I thirst
Rev. Victoria Monts, Associate Minister
Sixth Word: John 19:30
It is finished.
Rev. Carmen Watson, Associate Minister
Seventh Word: Luke 23:46
Father into Thy hands I commend my spirit
Min. Carolyn Blackson, Associate Minister
Praise and Worship Team
Dr. Sara C. Blanford, Mrs. Patsy Chester, Ms. Angela Garden, Ms. Marilyn George and Mrs. Linda Gooding.